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Choosing a Career in the Field of Early Childhood

Career Advising

Career Development Services Center offers free, one-on-one career counseling and advisement. We'd love to talk with you about the results of the surveys, or what careers have peaked your interest!

(646) 664-8261

There are a variety of careers in early childhood, from UPK teacher to speech and language pathologists to principal. Making the choice can be difficult and complicated, but we are here to help! Below are a few steps you can take to get started finding out the best fit for you.

Take the Career Decision Survey

We've designed an assessment tool to provide guidance as you consider pursuing a career in early childhood education. The survey contains questions will help you assess and reflect on your interests and goals and align those with 1 of 5 possible Career Patterns for working with children.

Learn more or

Additional Survey: The O*NET Interest Profiler

The US Department of Labor offers a more general online tool for assessing your interests, strengths and personality and helping you to find a career path. This free, easy-to-use tool can also help to match you with careers that interest you based on your current level of education.

Try the O*NET Interest Profiler

Explore Career Paths

Explore the various career paths available to people interesting in having an impact in the lives of young children. This interactive chart groups positions into 5 paths, but allows you to browse and explore all of the potential career paths.

Explore Career Paths

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